Cookies policy

Use of cookies

A cookie is a file that is downloaded onto the user’s computer when they access certain websites. Cookies allow a website to do things like store and retrieve information on a user’s and their computer’s browsing habits, and depending on the information they contain and the way they use their computer, cookies can be used to recognise the user. The user’s browser memorises cookies on their hard drive only during the current session; they occupy a minimum amount of memory and are not damaging to the computer. Cookies contain no kind of specific personal information, and the majority of them are eliminated from the hard drive at the end of the browsing session (called session cookies).

The majority of browsers accept cookies as standard, and regardless of them they allow or prevent temporary cookies or those stored in the security settings.

Without the user’s explicit consent, when activating the cookies on their browser, Enthalpy Technical Translation S.L (henceforth Enthalpy) will not link in the cookies the memorised data with the personal data provided at the time of registration or purchase.

What kinds of cookies does this website use?

– Technical cookies: These are cookies that allow users to browse via a website, platform or application and use different options or services that exist on it, as well as to monitor the traffic and communication of data, identify the session, access parts with restricted access, remember the elements within an order, carry out a registration request or participate in an event, use security elements while browsing, store contents to disseminate videos or sound or share content via the social media.

– Personalisation cookies: These are cookies which enable users to access the service with certain general predefined characteristics based on a series of criteria in the user’s terminal, such as the language, the kind of browser through which the user accessed the service, the regional settings from which the service is accessed, etc.

– Analytic cookies: Regardless of whether they are processed by Enthalpy or by third parties, these are cookies that enable the number of users to be quantified and thus to measure and conduct statistical analyses on the way users use the service offered. To achieve this, your browsing on the website is analysed in order to improve the range of products or services offered.

– Advertising cookies: Regardless of whether they are processed by Enthalpy or by third parties, these are cookies that allow the supply of advertising spaces found on the website to be managed as efficiently as possible by adapting the content of the advertisement to the content of the service requested or the way the website is used. For this purpose, Enthalpy can analyse your Internet browsing habits and show advertising related to your browsing profile.

– Behavioural advertising cookies: These are cookies which enable the advertising spaces which the editor may have included on a website, application or platform from which the requested service is provided to be managed as efficiently as possible. These cookies store information on the behaviour of users obtained by constant observation of their browsing habits, which enables a specific profile to be developed so that advertising based on this profile can be displayed.

Third-party cookies: The Enthalpy website may use third-party services which collect information for statistical purposes, on the way the user uses the website and on the provision of other services related to the activity of the website and other Internet services on behalf of Enthalpy.

To use this website, the user explicitly accepts the processing of the information collected in the way and for the purposes mentioned above. The user also acknowledges being aware of the possibility of refusing to allow these data or information to be processed by rejecting the use of cookies by choosing the right settings in their browser for this purpose, although this option to block cookies on their browser may prevent them from fully using all the functionalities on the website.

You may allow, block or delete the cookies installed on your computer by setting the browser options on it:


If you have any questions on this cookies policy, you may get in touch with Enthalpy at